[This is not done. I just wanted to see what the pictures looked like. In time…]
There are lots of measurements and conversions used in composites – and having two competing systems of measurement doesn’t help! EC! is written with both metric (SI) and imperial units – even though metric is way better. I’m an American and grew up on inches and pounds and I know many people like me are not 100% metric-fluent. Also, in the US at least many things are sold in yards, gallons or pounds. This conversion page is here to help go back and forth!
Print this page or an individual chart (or make a better one!) if you’re not used to one or the other – it’s handy to look especially if you have to work in both and convert back and forth on the fly. These images are larger if you download them!
Ok, this one should be easy!

As somebody raised on Fahrenheit, I am only familiar with Celsius in certain ranges – mostly those in which one cures pre-pregs. Ask me how cold a spring day is and I’m lost without my Fahrenheit scale.
Length, Area, Volume
These are pretty obvious but I wanted to have a few charts that showed the information in a dense way so I didn’t have to keep using Google to do conversions. Also, I’d like to memorize these because some of them (especially highlighted) are quite useful.

Fabric Weights
If you’ve been around composite materials for a while many of these will be automatic – or close. I know that 6oz is about 200g and that 300g is about 9oz. It’s pretty easy to work out the pattern! I added in ounces per square foot because in the US, chopped strand mat is sold this way – yes it’s annoying!

Fibers, Rovings and Tow