Contribute to EC!

Almost everything shown on EC! is work that I (or my businesses) have done over the past decade or so… at least the stuff I took pictures of and can talk about. It’s a start, but I’d love to develop EC! into more of a community resource.

If you’d like to contribute to Explore Composites! – here are some ways you can do it:

  • Share Materials: Are you a material vendor? Got samples? Have you come across something interesting and have leftovers? I am always interested in testing new material and am usually happy to pay for some shipping to get it here.
  • Example Project: show details of something interesting or specific made with composites – and how you made it!
  • Article: Would you be willing to write an article on a specific area of expertise? Do you have an interesting project explain and share?
  • Link Recommendation: I am trying to put a list of relevant links to other resources at the bottom of articles. Please feel free to suggest things!
  • Addition, explanatory image, or side-bar to existing article. Help me explain something better or answer an often-asked question.
  • Send me an email with suggestions or criticisms, or connections to people who might be interested in helping build EC!

Any information of yours that I publish will earn you a link to your site and/or social media. I’m not sure how valuable this to you – your call. Incoming links are always good. It ain’t the cover of Rolling Stone but thousands of people from all over the world read articles on EC! each month.

Would you like to be included in the “Directory” area? Get in touch with your details!

The ‘Directory’ menu has been haunting me because it has so much potential but is also so hard to actually assemble. For now I’m focusing on just the basic writing and videos – in order of how much fun they are and how useful I think they will be. All in time…

My EC! e-mail:

Quotes and Contributed-Content Policies

  1. If you provide photos, text, or links you may ask at any time to have them removed, and I will comply as soon as I can. Unless I am away or having computer problems, this will be within a few days.
  2. All articles containing quotes, interviews or contributed content will be held in “un-linked” status – published but not available except by direct link from the rest of EC! – until contributors can read and approve their contributions. Articles will be approved with written or verbal confirmation.
  3. By contributing content you are providing readers of EC! limited rights to print and use the materials.
  4. Additions to already-live content will be published directly to live articles, and I will send a link to the article to the contributor to review. Any changes needed or requested will be addressed as in #1.
  5. Links will be checked now and then as I can do it. If you need to update a link to your web or social accounts, please let me know and I will do it.